Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Term 1 2014 Chromebook Reflection

Term 1 2014 Chromebook Reflection

What did I enjoy?
learning how to post stuff on my blog.
Things I didn’t enjoy?
something that rude stuff come up.
What did I learn?
don’t say mean stuff on your email.
What did I find most interesting?
Dung Beetles eat Dung.
How I feel about my term overall?
excited and happy because you can learn about stuff like maths.
What could I have done better to help my learning?
listen to my instruction.


  1. Hi Kerstein! My name is Courtney Fields and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. It looks like you have learned a lot this term while using the Chromebook. It is great to reflect on each project so that you can make the next project even better. Keep up the great work. Thank you for sharing your Chromebook reflection.

    1. Hi Coutney! thanks for leaving me a comment
      next time I can cheek on you blog and post a blog comment. but what will you do
      with your chrome book reflections.......


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